"It was Orwell who said the only real critic of literature is Time. It winnows
out the grain from the chaff. Unfortunately, where novels are concerned, it
doesn’t. Novels that “last” typically do so by happenstance. Take, for
example, the classic book of our year, 2013, the novel that has done wonders
for the sale of silk shirts in Jermyn Street. Have a guess. How much money
did The Great Gatsby make for Scott Fitzgerald in his lifetime? Eight
thousand dollars (less than the cost of Jay Gatsby’s “custom Duesenberg”
automobile). In the last year of Fitzgerald’s life, Gatsby earned its author
barely enough to buy him lunch. Fitzgerald was, he said, when he received
that last royalty statement, “a forgotten man”.
Why do the odds of asteroids hitting Earth keep fluctuating?
37 minutes ago
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