Some springs, I teach a college class on criticism in the age of the
Internet. Early on, I ask students to think about the difference between
a rating, a recommendation, a review, and a piece of criticism. Most of
them locate those four types of opinion on a continuum; the earlier
ones, they say, require less time to create. I ask them whether this
means that they are less valid as opinions. No, they say. Definitely
not. Discussion ensues. One thing they decide fairly quickly is that the
validity of opinion does not mean the same thing for different types of
objects. A product (a toaster or a smart phone) reveals itself
immediately. The only thing you might discover about it later is that it
has ceased to perform its central function well. This is not the case
with works of art. They do not show themselves all at once. Rather, they unfold over time. They gestate in the minds of viewers or listeners or readers.
Why do the odds of asteroids hitting Earth keep fluctuating?
30 minutes ago
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